Saturday, November 17, 2012

Look unto him in EVERY thought, doubt not, fear not.

The Shuk: the typical shopping place for the Jewish family groceries. They have the best dried fruit, pomegranates, and any other fruit you can imagine. 

Davidson Archeological Museum: The Western Wall is just to the left in this picture to help with direction, and the center is straight ahead through the city. One thing that stuck out to me here is how you can see the massive boulders (weighing a few tons) were pushed off the wall and crushed through the city sidewalks as they were dismantling the temple.

These are the steps that exit the temple grounds. The original gate where you would exit the temple is just behind me. It is now sealed with stone, but it was open many years ago. The best part about this, is that this is where Christ would have walked as he left the temple. 

These are the three gates where Christ would have entered.  One of my friends mentioned how its interesting how other churches build huge temples to commemorate where significant events happened. And yet we just sit and ponder on some simple steps that Christ's feet would have walked on.

Just some cute little Jewish children  runnin around. We spent one whole day in the Jewish Quarter in the Old City and it was incredible. Interesting how the Old City is not just shops and churches but much more. We saw tons of homes, kids playing soccer in a courtyard area, restaurants, schools, daycare's, hair salons...everything you would find in a little town.

The great thing about being outside is that you get to see all the wonderful things God has created, instead of houses or buildings that man has created. Check out the clouds and the sun workin magic together in the sky. 

This is inside one of the churches we went on our Christian Quarter day. We were able to listen in on a mass here when we entered. Neat experience. The typical view of a church from the outside is what you see in the above picture....however it is nothing like what you see on the inside as you notice in this picture. Shows you not judge a book by its cover.

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