Saturday, November 3, 2012

Every Member is a Missionary Club

Happy Halloween! To get in spirit with the recent news of the church Mikele Stephenson and I decided to dress up as Sister Missionaries! Name tags, Preach my Gospel and clunky black shoes what more is needed. But in all seriousness....this girl to the right of me actually has her papers in as of a week ago, along with three other girls here at the JC! Craziness. Her call should be coming to the US soon and she is hoping to get it expedited to the JC to open it! So stoked for this girl who I will miss as a companion when she heads off to serve the Lord.

Machaerus...the view was stunning here. You can't see much past the brown mountains in the picture, but with the naked eye you could just barely see the Dead sea. This is where John the Baptist was put into Prison and then beheaded by Herod.

PETRA!!!! I don't know how you guys feel about Petra, but I could live there and be satisfied for life. This is me standing at a view point of most of Petra. The Monastery (which is much much better than the treasury to be completely honest) is just behind me. For those who don't know, Petra is home to the Nabateans. This is where a lot of the royalty was buried. I.E. the 'Monastery' behind me is really just a tomb, but looks like a monastery from the outside. You can see how deep they carved in to the side of the mountain there. Below is a close up of the door of the Monastery. Sitting to the left of me is a girl named Katie who we were able to talk to for a bit and she even sang a few primary hymns with us. 

Above - in Amman (the capital of Jordan) we stopped by a crepe place that had the second best crepes (first being my mothers).  The bucket of Nutella I am holding is 5 Kilo's and they mentioned they go through about 2 of those per day....sick.

The Running Club! Still strong at it no matter where you take us. This is running in Amman. Our dear friend Haley is taking the picture for us here.

Hercules! This is at the Citadel in Amman. This hand (and an elbow behind us) is all that remains of the Hercules statue.

This is at the Jabbok River where Jacob wrestled w/ an angel.

Its PITA time! For lunch we had fresh pita and more fresh pita. Since we couldn't eat any fresh produce in Jordan, when there was something good we filled up on it. Do you see the size of these things though. Massive.

Balm of Gilead...refer to Hymn 140 the last verse and few other scriptures. This was in Jerash or aka Jershon.

Grandpa if you ever check my blog out this one is for you. We went to King Hussain's car collection museum. Pretty ridiculous cars there.

If you notice in the upper LH corner there is a picture of the current Jordanian King, Abdullah II. It was incredible to me to see his picture in every store, on every corner, on every building. What great love and respect the Jordanians have for their king.

This is overlooking the Jordan river at Bethany beyond Jordan where Jesus Christ was baptized by John. We had a wonderful devotional here talking about standing in the water and looking to the temple. Making those covenants of baptism to be able to enter into the temple and make further covenants.

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